The HEC Announces the Re-equivalence of Old Associate, Bachelor, and Master Degrees

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) has recently released new guidelines for the implementation of the revised Teacher Education Roadmap (TER). These guidelines are in line with the recommendations of the National Curriculum Review Committee and apply to all public and private sector universities and degree-awarding institutes.

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Under the revised TER, candidates who have an Associate Degree in Education (ADE) will be able to enroll in the third year of a four-year Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) program. Additionally, candidates who have an Associate Degree in a subject other than Education, or a two-year BA/BSc degree (which is no longer offered), will be able to enroll in the third year of a B.Ed. the program, provided they complete a bridging semester and any deficiency courses required by the admitting university.

Holders of a Master of Education (M.Ed.), a BS in Education, or a MA in Education will be considered equivalent to a four-year B.Ed., a B.Ed. (Hons) after 14 years of qualification and a B.Ed. 1.5 after 16 years of qualification, respectively, for the purposes of employment and further education.

Graduates who have a qualification in a subject other than Education and are interested in obtaining a B.Ed. degree will be allowed to enroll in a B.Ed. 1.5 program, which consists of 45-54 credit hours of coursework. However, these graduates will need to complete deficiency courses as determined by the admitting university if they wish to enroll in an MS/MPhil in Education.

Finally, starting in Fall 2023, the only recognized nomenclature for Teacher Education Degrees will be “Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)”. Specializations and strands such as Early Childhood Education, Elementary and Secondary Education, and Curriculum, Assessment, Academic Planning, Leadership, Guidance and Counselling will be reflected on transcripts, but not on degrees.

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