Government Vacancies Announced in KPK for Male and Females

On this page/link, we will describe information about the current openings in the Government Departments of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa & Private Jobs in KPK. We titled these current openings (Government Vacancies Announced in KPK for Male and Females).

As you can see in the title, these vacancies are available across Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for both genders. You have to find the information through the prescribed links below for each department.

Currently, Government/Private Job positions are opening in Revenue & Estate Department KPK, Food Department KPK, Public Sector Organization PO Box 111, Upper Swat Development Authority, KPK Information Technology Board, Various Colleges & Universities, and KPK Public Service Commission.

KPK Public Service Commission is also hiring staff for various Government Departments working under the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Including all advertisement positions, Administrative, Management, Medical, Education, Teaching, and Class IV vacancies are available now for residents of KPK.

Persons who belong to KPK with Primary, Middle, Matriculation, Intermediate, Master’s Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, MS, M.Phil, Ph.D. Qualifications are invited to review this information and apply to get a Government Job.

Vacancies Details & Departments with Links:

Government Vacancies Announced in KPK for Male and Females – Advertisement

Government Vacancies Announced in KPK for Male and Females